Are you worry that you will get yourself into debts for using credit cards? That will not be a problem now because there are two good alternatives for credit cards, which are debit cards and prepaid cash cards. Both of these cards offer the same ability as credit cards to purchase products and services.
Many people might think that prepaid cash card is the same as debit card. However, there is a major difference between them. Prepaid cash cards can be loaded with money and used as a debit card, but it is not linked to a bank account with an overdraft facility. We cannot borrow money with a prepaid card; we can only spend the money we have loaded onto it.
Therefore, by using prepaid cash card, there is no risk of running into debt as it has no credit or overdraft facility. Money can be loaded onto a prepaid card by cash at a bank, Post Office, at Payzone or PayPoint terminals or via a bank transfer. However, not all prepaid providers offer all of these loading options, and users need to find out when choosing a prepaid cash card.
Prepaid cash cards can be used for the following purposes:
1) Shopping
It can be used to shop and purchase items as long as the card is accepted at the retail shop. It can also be used for internet shopping and telephone purchases. Prepaid cash card is safer to be used compared to carrying cash around. It also enables us to spend according to our budget.
2) Bill payment
It can be used to pay for our rental, utilities expenses, insurance payment, car payment, and mobile phone’s bill. shop & pay bills online, make hotel & car rental reservations, and purchase goods & services wherever Visa or MasterCard is accepted. Besides that, it is more secure to use prepaid cash card rather than carrying cash around and it enables the person to start spending according to a budget as well.
3) Cash withdrawal from ATMs
Prepaid cash card can be used to withdraw cash from ATM at anytime.
4) Transfer of Money
Some prepaid cash cards provide the service of sending or receiving money via bank wire transfers, between two cards.
5) Toll payment
For example, Touch and Go card can be used at all highways in Malaysia, major public transports in Klang Valley, selected parking sites and theme park.
6) Replacement for travellers’ cash
Carrying prepaid cash card as we travel is much safer than carrying around large amounts of cash.
Here are the websites relevant to prepaid cash cards:
The Application of Prepaid Cash Cards for Consumers
Posted by
Js Family
on Saturday, July 4, 2009
Janice Yeo Sok Ling
Nowadays, carry card is the main choices since is more safety.
A very informative blog!
I didn't know there're so much i could do with a prepaid cash card!
Well..i guess it is a very great innovation especially for those who're bad financial planner.
ya,it's great for me as a bad financial give me a great information as i only know about debit card and i do not know the difference between two of it.but now,i know it and i can use it.thankz for the information.
Dear Cathy and Eunice,
Yes. Prepaid cash card is a good choice for people nowadays. It is easy to use and it makes our life easier!
Dear Anonymous,
You're most welcome! =)
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